Growing up, I discovered a love for reading around 4th grade.
I had this teacher who really encouraged us to read.
She set up a reading tracker for us in the classroom.
For each book we read, we would get a sticker for so many number of pages in the book.
When we reached a certain goalposts, she'd give us some type of reward.
Funnily enough, I don't remember any of the rewards, I just remember how it got me started.
But, the thing is, the rewards didn't drive me after a while.
Reading ignited my imagination, and, for an introvert like me, it was heaven.
I vividly remember reading about Narnia and the Wizarding World and Middle Earth.
Or walking the Canadian wilderness with a young boy.
Or the musty smells of a red box car.
Books have always created a wonderful world of vivid sights and sounds in my head.
They are where I draw inspiration from for my colors.
I hope they inspire you too.